Day one - Getting Organized

We took delivery of the boat at the owners house, and then moved it a couple of miles to a nearby marina.  I handled the boat a bit during the sea trial, but this was my first experience leaving the dock, doing a 180 in a narrow canal, transiting thru shallow water, and the docking.  And docking meant backing in, stern to, in fairly windy conditions.  Having twin screws makes a big difference, but still very much getting used to it. All went well, although I needed a dry shirt when it was done!

Wind really blew overnight, so very happy to be secure in a marina. Morning dawned bright and warm, and wind much lighter, but t'storms expected later in the day.  After preparing dinner last night and breakfast this morning, we had a good idea of what we needed to add to the galley equipment, and initial provisions required.  We have a car for a few days so ventured off to West Marine, a Kmart, and Publix grocery store.

In the afternoon, the DOT vessel measurement fellow, and his wife, visited to take the required "tonnage measurements". Turns out they are from Quebec, and winter down here as many do of course, but he is the only certified measurement agent in the south east. As I think I mentioned yesterday, this is one of those bureaucratic exercises that literally impacts nothing. A holdover from ancient boat registration practices that the government is not pushed to change, so doesn't.

This marina is in a community park that includes a beach, a great pool, and some other community facilities. Judy went to swim laps in the pool in the afternoon, and on her walk over encountered a herd of birds.  American white ibis. See pic below.

Previous owner came by to see how we were doing. I have got to say, never would I have expected the way they prepared this boat to be conveyed to us.  After the deal was done, he still had the boat hauled for bottom painting and detailing.  The boat looked great when we took it over.  They even left us a bottle of champagne to celebrate our new ownership!

He set a very high standard for care of this boat, and my challenge is to live up to that.


  1. Annie from Qualicum here! So thrilled that everything worked out for your dream boat! Nice kitchen Judy�� I love the party area! Glad you are sharing your travels with us. It all looks brand new.

  2. Wow that is amazing you two. Love the blog keep it up :)

  3. No doubt you will take great care of this boat!


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